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To distinguish it from the volume of an object which is measured in cubic units.

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Q: Why are you required to use the word square when you find the area of an object?
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How do you find the square feet of an area?

You multiply the two sides the object in order to find the square feet of an area

How do you find the square unit of area?

it depends on your object. if your object is a triangle the area in square units is .5base times hieght if your object is a circle the area in square units is pi time radius squared if your object is a rectangle the area in square units is length times width

What do you do to find the area of an object?

To find the area of a object you do width x highth for a rectangle. You multiply on side of the object 4 times to get the area of a square. To find the area of a trapizoid, the formula is, 1/2 times highth (base 1 plus base 2).

How do you find the perimeter of an object that the area is 36?

If it's a square, the perimeter is 24.

How many square feet is 6 foot by 5 foot?

Because square foot is a measure of area, you would find square feet by using an area formula. Simply multiply the sides of an object, which in your case are 6 and 5 feet, to find the answer. Your object is 30 square feet total.

How do you find the surface area of square?

if a 2d object, height x width. if a 3d object, height x width x 6.

How find the area of a square when a circle is inside?

You find the area of the whole square first. Then you find the area of the circle inside of it And then subtract the area of the circle from the area of the square and then you get the shaded area of the square

The length of each side of a square prism is one foot Find the total surface area of this object?

This square prism is a cube with six sides, each having an area of one square foot. Thus, the total surface area is six square feet.

How do you work out square meters?

To find the area of an objet, which is measured in square units, multiply the length times width. For example, if the object is 9 meters long and 3 meters wide, the area is 27 square meters.

How do you find area of a square?

To find the area of a square you multiply its length by its width.

How do you find out how long each side is on a square if the area is 100?

The formula for the area of a square is A=s2. So to find the sidelength, find the square root of the area.

How do you find an area of a square?