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Q: Why did Nicolas Copernicus and theory that the earth obits the sun so shocking to the people living in the 1500 and?
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How was Nicolas Copernicus idea different from what people believed in at the time?

Nicolas Copernicus believed that the sun was the center of the solar system. Before that most believed that the Earth was the center of the universe.

Who influenced Nicolas Copernicus?

Nicolas Copernicus was influenced by his uncle, after his father died when Nicolas was only ten. His uncle educated him. Also, note people spell his name many different ways so pick which one i guess..

Why was nicolaus Copernicus theory that the earth orbits the sun so shocking to the people living in the 1500s?

His views went against traditional beliefs, including those of the Roman Catholic Church.

Why was nicolaus Copernicus's theory that earth orbits the sun so shocking to the people living in the 1500s?

His views went against traditional beliefs, including those of the Roman Catholic Church.

Why was Nicolaus Copernicus's theory that the earth orbits the sun so shocking to the people living in the 1500?

His views went against traditional beliefs, including those of the Roman Catholic Church.

Why was nicolaus Copernicus's theory that the earth orbits the sun so shocking in the people living in the 1500s?

His views went against traditional beliefs, including those of the Roman Catholic Church.

Why was Nicolaus copernicus’s theory that the earth orbits the sun so shocking to the people living in the 1500s?

His views went against traditional beliefs, including those of the Roman Catholic Church.

Why was nicolaus Copernicus's theory that the earth orbits the sun so shocking to people living in the 1500s?

His views went against traditional beliefs, including those of the Roman Catholic Church.

Why was nicolaus Copernicus theory that the earth orbit the sun so shocking to the people living in the 1500?

His views went against traditional beliefs, including those of the Roman Catholic Church.

Why was Nicolaus Copernicus' theory that the Earth orbits the sun so shocking to the people living in the 1500s?

Answer this question…His views went against traditional beliefs, including those of the Roman Catholic Church

Why was Nicolas Copernicus afraid to publish his work?

His ideas went against conventional thinking of the time, so many people would not have accepted it.

Who are some scientists from the scientific revolution?

People such as Galileo, Andreas Vasalius (De humani corporis fabrica), Nicolas Copernicus (De revolutionibus orbium coelestium).