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This is just an opinion it is up to the person and how they were raised to determine if they like a subject or not.

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Q: Why do some people hate math and science?
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What does it mean if there are people who hate math yet they are in computer science and engineering?

They are probably some of those people who just want to make money and are unhappy with their jobs.

Why are some people good at science but bad at math?

That's hard to believe, unless it's conceptual science, then people need to be good at math to learn science

What does you can take the science out of math but you can't take the math out of science?

Most Science requires some mathematics, but not all math needs science.

Why is science hard for people who are good at math?

It is for some, not for others. In the same way that anything is difficult for some people and not for others.

Do most people like math?

me??? no but i pretty sure there are some people that like it very much but i hate it because I'm bad at it. (Here's a thought: Could you be bad at it because you hate it ?)

Why do some people hate math?

Different people hate math for different reasons. Some find it boring, some don't enjoy working with numbers, and some are simply not good at it. Personally, I hate math because I am a very creative person, and math leaves no room for creativity. You have to do things a certain way. All of the rules have already been set, so you can't further develop mathematics. I also dislike math because I love to work with words, like in literature and grammar. Math doesn't allow you to express yourself. It has no scope for imagination. There isn't much freedom to explore.In contrast, some people love math. These people tend to be, but are not always, analytical and logical. They amuse themselves by solving problems and they find it easy to follow the steps. However, a person can be creative and love math, and - while I don't personally know anyone like this - I'm sure that there are people with logical who minds who don't like math.

Can math be used in science?

Depending on what science you mean, quite often it HAS TO be used. Some sciences, such as physics or chemistry, are all about applying math.

Why is science and math important?

Math is important because you will need math to calculate things like "how much will these cost" and "what's the volume of this container" and questions like that. In life, you will have many situations that will require you to do some math, and often mental. Companies want to find people that know how to do math because then they are usually better educated and are capable of doing what people that can't do math can do. Science is important because if you know some science, you would know some people and their laws. You have something to say to other scientists who want to know what is going on in the universe and on our own home planet earth. Of course some people would want to learn more about their home! Also, it aids us in curing diseases that could be fatal or devastating. By knowing some science and especially when someone becomes a doctor, that person can save tons of lives and save many, many people from suffering what they wouldn't have to with science and medicines. With less suffering, we can lead more pleasant lives and affect people around us. Companies want people that know some science, too. Also, many people just want to know a lot so that they can answer questions others have and even answer some of their own. They want to learn more and are curious in some of these subjects. Many people love math and science.

How is science relevant to other field or subject connections?

well, in history you learn about how historeins learned science. some times science go into math, and math goes into science.

What is harder math or science?

Neither, History is. It all depends how you define hard and what you're good at. To some people History is dead easy, but Math and Science are both hard whereas to me Maths is dead easy, science not quite so but History is hard.

Who do Syrian people hate?

Most Syrians hate Israelis and "Zionists". Beyond that, who Syrians hate depends on the person. Some people hate Iran and Iranian proxies like Hezbollah. Some people hate the US and US allies in the Middle East. Some people hate theocrats and some hate secularists.

Why is it that some people who are good at math and science bad at English and humanities classes?

genetics, DNA, jenes. all that stuff