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They are probably some of those people who just want to make money and are unhappy with their jobs.

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Q: What does it mean if there are people who hate math yet they are in computer science and engineering?
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Is engineering and computer science really for people who hate math?

It would be advisable to avoid computer engineering/science for people who really hate math. The education required for computer engineering requires a lot of high level math, and chances are that a lot of sophisticated math skills are required for use on a daily basis even after getting a job in the field.

Is it true that people who hate arts and humanities love math and science more and vice versa?

Yes sir! We also tend to be left handed.

How many people hate there brothers and sisters?

99% of sisters hate their brothers

Can a person succeed in engineering if they hate math?

you need to do a lot of maths with engineering, but it's applied maths most of the time, stuff like mechanics. To do engineering at university you'll almost certainly have to have a maths a-level. So as long as your fairly good at maths, you don't have to enjoy it as there is other stuff involved with engineering, but you do have to be quite good at maths!

How is chemistry physics computer science and engineering related to math?

It is related to computers because it uses a special code. What you see isn't what the computer see. Also because when your computer is loading a website it is taking a data code from the website domain. Mathematics is a language that relates concepts to each other. Physics and chemistry can use mathematics as a tool for exploring and discovering relationships. On another view, physics and chemistry are physical manifestations of mathematical relationships. Engineering is heavy in math. If you hate math, it would not be a good field for you. You seem to do decent in it though (81% as a junior in high school is a good grade). The math is by no means easy either. You'll have to suffer through more calculus, differential equations, and probably even more like linear algebra. Most mathematical relations in engineering are not easy, and you need to have good number manipulation skills to find the solutions. You can take up technical communication or tech writing if you enjoy knowing how things work, but can't deal with the math. +++ Adding to the last comments, engineering is the practical application of physics and chemistry.

Related questions

Is engineering and computer science really for people who hate math?

It would be advisable to avoid computer engineering/science for people who really hate math. The education required for computer engineering requires a lot of high level math, and chances are that a lot of sophisticated math skills are required for use on a daily basis even after getting a job in the field.

What college degrees are best suited for people who are good at math but not at writing essays or papers or hate essays or papers?

Other than the science and engineering disciplines(except for software engineering, computer science and biology), most disciplines in the humanities, social science and to a certain extent, businesses that don't require mathematics, paper writing skills are needed in the workplace, even with years of experience won't do you good unless you possess a certain skills set.

What university programs can you do if you love math but hate computer programming and writing papers?

Engineering Accounting

Why do people always drop out in the course of computer engineering?

Because of the intense electrical engineering classes they have to take, not to mention the programming that is involved. I am a Comp Eng student and I hate it. If you can make friends in engineering, time management, asking for help, I am sure you will succeed but if not, it will be difficult.I think engineering is not worth the yourself and go into finance.

You hate science?

yes you do hate science because you have just typed in 'i hate science' u dingbat ! see "Why is science so stupid?"

How many people hate their computer?

every 5 person

Do you hate science?

No, a normal and modern man don't hate science !! Yuuuuup

Do a lot of people hate school?

The reason why people hate school cause most of the stuff you learn you will never use in your life. I do agree with people they need a new school system cause when am I gonna use science in a job that's nothing like science such as a Prison guard.

Why do so many people hate science?

Well, your question is somewhat uninsurable since it is such a generalization, but there are a few key reasons to why someone may "hate" science. For some people it is threatening and somewhat scary because it does not care what people want, it only cares about what is true and sometimes the truth is disturbing. For instance people who are believers in christianity are often opposed to science because it may lead them to realize that there is no judao christain personal god which means that the purpose of life is much more debatable and there may be no real purpose at all. Some people such as myself, find great solace and joy in this idea while others are scared and feel lonely. Religious, dogmatic people hate science because science often opposes and disproves their beliefs and it is extremely troubling for them because science is not someone's opinion, but rather the best explanation and predictions we have for explaining the way the universe works. Part of the hate, is really a misunderstanding. What I mean by this, is that people think that science is just made up and people that wear glasses and lab coats collaborate to decide how things are going to be when in actuality this could not be further from the truth. Like I mentioned previously, science is not open to opinion but is the study of what is real and what is true and provable with evidence. Some people may hate science because it is limited, at least as of now, to what it can and cannot answer. For example science is currently unable to explain what dark matter is or what dark energy is, it also cannot explain what came before the big bang so people seeking complete knowledge may not like science because science is unwilling to make predictions about things without adequate evidence. Sometimes people just hate science because they view it as difficult or hard to understand and are too lazy to put in an effort which really prevents them from understanding the true importance of science. This reluctance to learn science and realize it's importance can lead to distain for science because they don't fully understand why it is important or why they should care about such things. In other words these are people who live by the idea that ignorance is bliss. As somebody who is greatly devoted to science, reason and understanding, I think that to hate science is to hate the reality that is our universe... Hope that answers the question. I know there are many other reasons people may hate science, but these are some of the main reasons that are the most common.

The goal of applied science?

The application of science is called Technology, so applied medical science is called medical technology. Medical technology consists in the application of knowledge, discovered by medical scientists, and others, as solutions, to specific medical problems or needs.

Why do some people hate math and science?

This is just an opinion it is up to the person and how they were raised to determine if they like a subject or not.

What are your expectation in science subject?

Edi Wala.I Hate Science :P