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It is not possible to answer this question because it is based on a false premise that you have to round off numbers.

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Q: Why do you have to Round off the numbers first before you subtract?
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Why do you round off numbers?

You round off numbers for several reasons. First, your final answer is no more accurate than your original measurement. If you do not round off, you will give an inaccurate picture of your measurement. Second, you round off numbers to check electronic equipment. You can not begin to add, subtract, multiply, and divide in your head as fast as an electronic piece of equipment. Still, by rounding off numbers, you can get a rough idea of what the answer should be. If the answer the computer gives is nowhere near your answer then something could be drastically wrong with some spread sheet formula. You round off money real fast to know if you have been cheated.

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1979. Subtract the first 2 numbers of the SN from 100.

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You first convert the numbers into top-heavy fractions, then solve like a normal fraction (e.g. LCD, then subtract).

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Answer: you will just have a minus number Answer: You subtract the other way, and then put a minus sign in front. Example: 7 - 15 = - (15 - 7) = -8.