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A magnifying glass forms a circular dot where it focuses rays of light from the sun. The focus of a magnifying glass is at a distance from the surface of the glass itself. So a magnifying glass must be held [approximately] perpendicular to the line joining the sun and the target, and at a distance from the target which equals the focal length of the lens.

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Q: Why does a magnifying glass must be held so that the light from the sun forms a circular dot to burn paper?
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Why must a magnifying glass be held so that light from the sun forms a small circular dot?

A magnifying glass needs to be held so that the light from the sun forms a small circular dot because this concentrates the sun's rays in a small area, increasing the intensity of the light and heat. This focused light is what allows the magnifying glass to create enough heat to ignite objects like paper or dry leaves.

What image will be formed in magnifying glass?

A magnifying glass forms a larger and magnified virtual image of the object being observed. The image appears upright and is located behind the magnifying glass at the point where the light rays converge.

Does a magnifying glass reglect or refract?

A magnifying glass primarily refracts light. As light passes through the curved lens of a magnifying glass, it bends or refracts, focusing the light to create a magnified image.

What is the different between a magnifying glass and a compound light microscope?

A magnifying glass has one lenses and a compound light microscope has 2 lenses

Is Magnifying glass opaque or transparent or translucent?

A magnifying glass is typically made of glass and is transparent, allowing light to pass through it.

What are examples of light reflections?

A magnifying glass reflecting light.

Does a magnifying glass reflect or refract?

A magnifying glass refracts light. When light passes through the lens of a magnifying glass, it is bent or refracted, which causes objects to appear larger when viewed through the lens. Reflection occurs when light bounces off a surface, like a mirror.

What is a magnifying glass made of?

the magnifying glass has a convex lens and it curves to magnify objects.

Water as a magnifying glass?

Water can act as a magnifying glass by bending light rays that pass through it, causing objects to appear larger or closer. This effect is similar to how a traditional magnifying glass works by refracting light to create a magnified image.

Will a magnifying glass light something with a lamp?

If you mean 'set fire to something' then no, there is most unlikely to be enough energy in a normal light beam even when it's focussed with a magnifying glass. It does depend on the power of the light, of course. How many watts do you think it will take

Does a magnifying glass refract or reflect light?

A magnifying glass refracts light, bending the light rays that pass through it to converge at a focal point. This concentrated light can then be used to magnify and enhance the visibility of objects.

How are magnifying lenses constructed?

Magnifying lenses are typically made of glass or plastic, with one or both surfaces curved to bend light rays. The curvature of the lens helps to focus light and enlarge the object being viewed. The thickness and degree of curvature of the lens determine its magnifying power.