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Addition and multiplication are two different operators so it is no surprise that their outputs are different. Otherwise there would be no point in having different operators.

For example, a negative minus a negative can be positive, negative or zero!

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Q: Why does a negative plus equal a negative but a negative time a negative equal a positive?
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Yes, the only time a quotient is negative is when a negative and a positive number are divided.

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What is a negative plus a positive equal?

Uh, your question doesn't really make any sense.... A negative plus a positive can equal...a negative or a positive. Here is an example: -9 + 5 = -4 or -5 + 7 = 2 So they can be both.

Does a positive time a positive equal a positive?

A positive number multiplied by another positive number yields a positive number. A negative number multiplied by another negative number also yields a positive number. Only multiplying a negative number by a positive number (or the other way around) yields a negative number as the product.

Why negative into negative equals positive?

Its like reversing the procedure of minus. For example, in -(-1) , you are actually inverting the minus sign with the minus sign outside the bracket to become a positive 1. So in general, -(-x) is equal to x. well every time you see negative x negative gives you a positive. and a negative time a positive makes it negative. here are some examples: (-) (-)= (+), (-) (+)= (-)

What is sign after equal sign in formula?

It is generally positive(+) or negative(-).For example: speed = distance/time.

What does a positive times a negitive?

Positive time negative = Negative.

What is a Negative time a negative?


Why is -1 X -1 equals plus 1?

Any time that a negative number is being multipled by another negative number, it equals a positive number. In this case, -1 multiplied by -1 equals 1. Another example of this is -5 multiplied by -5 which equals 25. Though if you multiply a negative by a positve, it equals a negative. If you were to multiply a positive by a positve, it will always equal a positve.

What is 7 plus two-thirds times equals negative one?

well first of all if I gave you the answer it would be cheating. but I will show you a better way to do the problem. seven plus two thirds is easy. It is seven and two thirds. now times that by negative one . remember your integer rules. Positive times a positive is equal to positive. negative times positive is negative is but a negative times a negative is a positive. b so seven and two thirds times negative one is negative seven and one thirds. I hope that I could have been of some assistance to your problem. Remember to work the problem one step at a time. If you look at the whole problem you will get confused. look at segments than put it all together. good luck.

If you multiply a negative by a negative is it a positive?

Yes, any time you multiply a negative by a negative, it automatically becomes a positive.

Is a negative time a negative equals a positive?

No. It is actually a negative. Yes it is positive. Previous answer was incorrect. Negative times negative = positive. example: -5 x -5 = +25