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Q: Why is a great circle used for navigation?
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Why is a great- circle route often used in navigation?

Great Circle routes are used because they are the shortest route between two points on the globe.

Why is the great circle route often used in navigation?

I don't know, HA

Why are great-circle paths commonly used in navigation?

Because on a globe, a great-circle route is the shortest route between two places.

Why great-circle routes are commonly used in navigation?

u should ask Jesus to answer this question!!

What is the imaginary line around the earth used in air and sea navigation?

This imaginary line is called the great circle. A great circle is the shortest distance between two point on a sphere. On a flat map the great circle route takes the shape of the arc of a circle due to the projection method used to fit the path on the earth's sphere to a flat surface.

Why is a great-circle route often used in navigation?

A great-circle route is the shortest distance between two points on a sphere, making it an efficient choice for navigation to save time and fuel. It follows the curvature of the Earth's surface, aligning with the natural shape of the planet for more direct travel paths. This route is commonly used in long-distance air and sea travel to optimize efficiency and reduce travel time.

Why is a great circle route often navigation?

Since the earth is a globe, some air routes are shorter when the flight goes over the Arctic. Those flights take a part of the "great circle" and shave off hours of distance. In fact great circle routes are applicable anywhere on the globe because they are the shortest routes between any two points.

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no it is not used for navigation

Can automotive navigation systems be used as handheld navigation systems?

Yes, you can purchase a navigation system that is handheld. Garmin makes a great one, you can find all the information here:

Navigation used in a sentence as noun?

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What are facts about the compass?

-it used to be called the south pointing fish. -the circle part of a dry compass is heaven, while the plate is earth. -before people used it for navigation, they used it for fortune telling.

What is an almucantar?

An almucantar is a small circle on the celestial sphere, parallel to the horizon, used in astronomy and navigation to show the altitude of a star or some other heavenly body.