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Q: What is a great circle route used in navigation?
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Why is a great- circle route often used in navigation?

Great Circle routes are used because they are the shortest route between two points on the globe.

Why are great-circle paths commonly used in navigation?

Because on a globe, a great-circle route is the shortest route between two places.

Why is the great circle route often used in navigation?

I don't know, HA

What is the imaginary line around the earth used in air and sea navigation?

This imaginary line is called the great circle. A great circle is the shortest distance between two point on a sphere. On a flat map the great circle route takes the shape of the arc of a circle due to the projection method used to fit the path on the earth's sphere to a flat surface.

Why is a great-circle route often used in navigation?

A great-circle route is the shortest distance between two points on a sphere, making it an efficient choice for navigation to save time and fuel. It follows the curvature of the Earth's surface, aligning with the natural shape of the planet for more direct travel paths. This route is commonly used in long-distance air and sea travel to optimize efficiency and reduce travel time.

Mercator projection maps are used to determine great-circle routes?

No. A straight line on a mercator map is a path of constant bearing, but this will not generally be a great-circle route.

Why great-circle routes are commonly used in navigation?

Great-circle routes are the shortest distance between two points on a sphere, making them the most efficient for long-distance navigation. They also help conserve fuel by reducing the total distance traveled. Additionally, great-circle routes are utilized by aircraft to take advantage of the Earth's curvature for faster travel times.

What is used by navigators to plot great circle routes?

Navigators use a Mercator projection chart to plot great circle routes. This chart allows them to draw a straight line, which represents the shortest distance between two points on a curved surface such as the Earth. By following this route, ships and planes can save time and fuel compared to following a rhumb line route.

Would you explain what GPS navigation is used for?

It is used to find out where places are and bring you to the right places. It finds the fastest route and also the shortest route. It is used to find out where places are and bring you to the right places. It finds the fastest route and also the shortest route.

What is an imaginary line that follows the curve of the earth?

An imaginary line that follows the curve of the Earth is called a great circle. It represents the shortest distance between two points on the Earth's surface and is often used in navigation and mapping.

Can automotive navigation systems be used as handheld navigation systems?

Yes, you can purchase a navigation system that is handheld. Garmin makes a great one, you can find all the information here:

Is Orion the constellation used for navigation?

Yes, Orion is a prominent constellation used for navigation because its position in the sky remains relatively fixed and it is visible from both hemispheres. The three stars in Orion's belt are particularly useful as they point towards other important stars and constellations.