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Because the language of science is maths.

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Q: Why is it important to have strength in math to be a scientist?
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Related questions

What is math for a scientist?

I think it is Mathematician

What do you call a math scientist?


What does math have to do with being a scientist?

Sometimes in Science you will have to measure things and/or you will have to find the average. So basically that's what math has to do with being a scientist.

Why is it important for a scientist to have math skills?

Say as if I were a scientist. I am trying to create something that will cure cancer. If I miscalculate and do the wrong things I could probably make something more worse than it was before.

Why are upper level math courses important for students in high school?

It is important for entering the work force where this is required, for example as an engineer or scientist. If not in a math field, it is important as a discipline - knowledge is an end in itself. If you are really bad at and hate math, you should take a course more appropraite, but you still need the basics like algebra.

How do scientist use math in their work?

all of them

How does being a scientist involve math?

Yes many branches of science involve math

What math skill do scientist rely on when they cannot find the exact number?

Scientist often rely the math skill of estimates when they cannot find the exact number.

What college majors are best suited for people who are good at math?

Maybe a math teacher, mathematician, or a math (mad) scientist!Get it?

What subject was the best for Albert Einstein?

math and scientist

What did nicolaus Copernicus contribute to math?

he was a scientist and a math geek but there is really no information on what he did as a mathematical figure

What is being a scientist have to do by using math?

Being a scientist has alot to do with math. When a person does an expirnment the have to figure iut how much water they need to pour in a jar.If my answer does not make sense to you please just ask your science and or your math teacher!