

Why is it possible to have decimal numbers?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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It is possible to have numbers in ANY base. Binary, octal and hexadecimal are used extensively in computers. Furthermore, the base can be any positive number - it does not even need to be rational.

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As with decimal numbers, there are infinitely many of them and so it is not possible to list them.

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The only possible answer is 0.75 since for any other decimal number, there are infinitely many decimal numbers which are closer.

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It is 3.75 For any other decimal number, it is always possible to find infinitely many decimal numbers which are closer to 3.75

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How about: 7.769 in three decimal places

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Whole numbers are a proper subset of decimal numbers. All whole numbers are decimal numbers but not all decimal numbers are whole numbers.

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Any real number can be expressed in the decimal system. However, since it is not possible to write out non-repeating infinite decimals, irrational numbers can only be approximated.

What decimal is between 0.632 and 0.633?

There are infinitely many possible numbers, for example, 0.63201238717

Is it ever possible to increase a numbers value by adding a decimal?

Yes...thats how math works Decimal : 0.00001 Number : 1 Decimal + Number = 1.00001 Where 1.00001 > 1

What is the smallest decimal possible out of the numbers 1 7 and 6?

If 0's are not allowed, then 1.67 is the smallest.