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If 0's are not allowed, then 1.67 is the smallest.

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Q: What is the smallest decimal possible out of the numbers 1 7 and 6?
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Is it ever possible to increase a numbers value by adding a decimal?

Yes...thats how math works Decimal : 0.00001 Number : 1 Decimal + Number = 1.00001 Where 1.00001 > 1

How do you make the smallest sum possible?

Add up the shortest possible list of numbers, and make each of them as small as possible.

What is the smallest decimal in the world?

There is no smallest decimal in the world because decimals can be infinitely small by adding more decimal places.

What are the rounding rules of addition?

The answer to an addition question should have no more decimal places than the smallest number of decimal places in the numbers being added. When rounding numbers, numbers 5 though 9 will be rounded up and 1 through 4 will be rounded down.

What numbers are the prime numbers?

The 25 smallest prime numbers are 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37,41,43,47,53,59,61,67,71,73,79,83,89,97. This is because they can only be timesd by 1 and themselves to be the answer of a multiplication of whole numbers. E.g. you can't get 11 by timesing 2x5 or 2x6, you would have to multiply a decimal number to get 11 as your answer.

Why is 1 the smallest natural number?

The natural numbers are the numbers used to count things (the counting numbers). The smallest number of things you can have when you have some to count is one. Thus the smallest natural number is 1.

What is1000 plus 1000 if you work in base 1?

There's no such thing as 'base 1'. The smallest possible base for writing numbers is 2.If your '1000' and '1000' are already in base 2, then their sum is '10000'.If they're the common decimal numbers "one thousand" and you want the sum "two thousand"written in base 2, then it's '11111010000'.

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What is the smallest amount 6 25 7 1 33?

Out of that list of numbers, 1 is the smallest.

Stacy is going to use 12 base-ten blocks to model the largest possible number less than 999 Then she will use another 12 blocks to model the smallest possible number less than 999 What are the numbers?

Largest possible number: 9 2 1 Smallest possible number: 1 2 9

What and what equal -13?

There are an infinitely many possible answers. Using only whole numbers you have . . . , -2 and -11, -1 and -12, 0 and -13, 1 and -14, 2 and -15, . . . You can then consider numbers to 1 decimal place and then 2 decimal places and 3, and so on etc.

How 32700 stored in 1 byte?

It is not possible. A Byte is 8 bits, the largest possible 8 bit number is '11111111' which is only 255 (in normal decimal numbers).