

Why is pi a constant?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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14y ago

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Pi is a constant because it is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle and they are always in the exact same proportion.

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Q: Why is pi a constant?
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Why is pi called a mathimatical constant?

Pi represents a number that cannot be changed, therefore its value is constant.

Why is pi a mathematical constant?

Pi is a mathematical constant because it is the same for every perfect Circle. Pi = Circumference/Diameter of any Circle. It is constant because no matter the size of the circle that ratio always comes out to Pi. Hope they helped :)

Are pi's digits peridic?

The digits of pi are not periodic. Pi is an irrational constant, and if its digits were periodic, it could be expressed as a ratio of constant integers, meaning it would be rational.

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Sine (pi) is a constant, so the derivative of sine (pi) is zero.

What is an absolute constant?

An absolute constant is a constant which maintains the same value wherever it occurs, such as pi.

What is the derivative of pi divided by 2?

"Pi divided by 2" is a number, i.e. a constant. The derivative is the rate of change. The derivative of any constant is zero, because a constant never changes.

If the radius of a cylinder is kept constant the derivative of cylinder volume is constant Why?

Volume of cyliner=Pi(r2)h so if r is constant, the ony variable is h so what is dv/dh? Pi(r2) which is constant.

What is pi of a 12 inch circle?

Pi is a constant. It doesn't depend on the size of the circle. Pi is approximately 3.1416.

What is the heck is pi and who invented it?

pi is a transcendental number which represents the constant ratio between the circumference of a circle and its diameter. It is a universal constant and nobody invented it.

Where is the end of pi?

The constant Pi has no end. It is a number that goes on forever and never repeats!

What is the plural of pi?

As far as I know, the constant pi is never used in the plural form.

Did Leonhard Euler made pi?

NO! Of course he didn't make pi. Pi is a constant that describes the ratio between the circumference and diameter of a circle. So he can not have made pi as it is a constant. Also, he didn't discover pi either, the earliest use of this constant is by the egyptians upon building the great pyramid at Giza in which 2*pi was used as the ratio between the height and perimeter of the pyramid. So basically, no.