

Why is pi a mathematical constant?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Pi is a mathematical constant because it is the same for every perfect Circle.

Pi = Circumference/Diameter of any Circle.

It is constant because no matter the size of the circle that ratio always comes out to Pi.

Hope they helped :)

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The word is pronounced the same as "pie." Pi is a mathematical constant equal to 3.14159265359...

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PI:s a mathematical constant that is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.

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Its the covering of a circular area, (circumference) constant 3.142

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One can consider that the mathematical constant of pi is visible in a simple, round pie.

Is pi different for every circle?

No, because the value of pi remains the same for any circle.

How do you pronounce the word Pi in Chinese?

If you are referring to the mathematical constant of π pi i.e. 3.141592653589793 is 圆周率 yuán​ zhōu ​lǜ​

If pie was subtracted by square than what would the answer be?

The answer will depend on the square of what number.Also, the mathematical constant is pi. A pie is for eating!

Who wrote the book the joy of pi?

The book "The Joy of Pi" was written by David Blatner. It explores the history and significance of the mathematical constant pi in a fun and accessible way.

Is pie a numerical constant?

Yes, because a mathematical constant is a "special number." It has a significant importance to something relating to math, such as pi's connection to circles and trigonometry.