because 3.14 is pie spelled backwards
If you are referring to the number that is used to describe the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, then, yes, in terms of math it is spelled pi. Pi equals out to about 3.141529+ and goes on infinite (never ending).
~ Pi
a pie
Do you mean 'What is the circumference of the Moon using 'pi = 3.141592....'. If so :- The circumference is 10,921.0 km. or Using the equatorial radius it is 2 x 1738.1 x pi. = 10,920.8 km NB The mathematical pi is spelled as 'pi' and equals 3.14592654... 'Pie' spelled as 'pie' is the pie that you eat , e.g. meat pie or apple pie.
because 3.14 is pie spelled backwards
Pie tastes good and can give you calories. If you mean the mathematical term, it is spelled "pi." No E.
the number is spelled pi, not pie. Pie is a food, pi is different.Pi is an irrational number (number which doesn't end) which is the ratio to the circumference o f a circle to its diameter.Some beginning numbers of pi are: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510...and so on
Also it's spelled pi rather than pie so that people can differentiate between this and the food
First of all it's spelled PI not PIE.pi^5=306.0196848
1124.07 (rounded to two decimal places) And, it is normally spelled pi, not pie.
If you are referring to the number that is used to describe the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, then, yes, in terms of math it is spelled pi. Pi equals out to about 3.141529+ and goes on infinite (never ending).
The generally baked food dish is a pie. The mathematical term (a Greek letter) is spelled pi.
Pie. Pie is not spelled P-I-E! It is infact spelled P-I. The value of pi is 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 .......It's actually a lot longer. I mean a LOT longer. My math teacher has a poster covering her room and it has pi written out five times longer. In reality pi is an extremely long number. People even have contests to see who can recite more of it. It's TRUE! 3.141592653589793238462643383279502! OR pi=3.14 for short. Ps. Pi looks like two lowercase I's with a squiggly on top.
A homophone for the word "pie" is "pi."
Pi is 3.1415926535... Pie is a dessert