

Why is pi equal to 227?

Updated: 4/27/2022
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11y ago

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22 divided by 7 is 3.14, making 22/7 the closest fraction to the value of pi.

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Q: Why is pi equal to 227?
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What is the value of pi 227?

Not sure what the 227 is for but the value of pi is 3.14159265

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Alt 227

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How do you use 227 to find the circumference?

22/7 = Pi. Or 3.14159. With a radius is R*2*Pi With a diameter is 2*Pi

If the diameter of a wheel is 2 feet about how many revolutions does the wheel make for every mile driven Use 227 for pi?

If the diameter is 2 feet, the circumference, 2(pi)r is equal to 6.28 feet. Each mile is 5,280 feet so the wheel must rotate 840.76 times to cover one mile. (ps - I'm not sure what you meant by the note to use 227 for pi.)

A circular base of a cylinder has a diameter of 14cm its height is 5cm taking pi to be 227 calculate its volume.?

Pi is a constant that is (roughly) equal to 3.14. You cannot arbitrarily take it to be 227! Area of a circle = pi*r2, where r = radius Volume of a cylinder = pi*r2*h, where h = height diameter = 2*r Therefore, r = diameter*1/2 Now, you have all the tools to calculate volume. This must be all illustrated in your textbook. Do your research first, which is called "studying".

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Pi is not equal to 6. It is equal to 3.14159...

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Pi is approximately equal to 3.141592652389793238462.

What is 12 divided by pi equal?

12/pi is equal to 12/pi, 12/3.14 (most common rounding of Pi) is about 3.822