22 divided by 7 is 3.14, making 22/7 the closest fraction to the value of pi.
If you mean a circle: the circumference is equal to diameter x pi, or 2 x pi x radius.If you mean a circle: the circumference is equal to diameter x pi, or 2 x pi x radius.If you mean a circle: the circumference is equal to diameter x pi, or 2 x pi x radius.If you mean a circle: the circumference is equal to diameter x pi, or 2 x pi x radius.
3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510 ...
Pi is ROUNDED to 3.14. Pi really goes on for ever and ever.
pi times the square of 8.5 = almost exactly 227 sqft
Not sure what the 227 is for but the value of pi is 3.14159265
Pi was lost at sea for 227 days.
Alt 227
How much is 227 miles equal to in hours and minutes?
22/7 = Pi. Or 3.14159. With a radius is R*2*Pi With a diameter is 2*Pi
Pi is a constant that is (roughly) equal to 3.14. You cannot arbitrarily take it to be 227! Area of a circle = pi*r2, where r = radius Volume of a cylinder = pi*r2*h, where h = height diameter = 2*r Therefore, r = diameter*1/2 Now, you have all the tools to calculate volume. This must be all illustrated in your textbook. Do your research first, which is called "studying".
Pi is not equal to 6. It is equal to 3.14159...
Pi is approximately equal to 3.141592652389793238462.
227 Kelvin is equal to -46.15 degrees Celsius.
Because 22/7 is the approximate value of pi as a fraction but the exact value of pi has never been determined.
22/7=3.14286 Which is a fair approximation to Pi, but 355/113 =3.14159 and is a much better approximation.