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Chromosomes come from two parents. They match up so the number must be divisible by two.

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Q: Why is the total chromosome number on an organisman an even number?
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Why a diploid number is always even?

A diploid number means there are two of every kind of chromosome. For example, humans have 2 sets of 23 chromosomes for a total of 46. Two times any number results in an even number.

Why is the chromosome number in organisms always even?

Chromosomes come in pairs, so the number is even.

Why are chromosome always an even number in organisms?

No, some bacteria and other unicellular organisms have a single chromosome

Why is the number of chromosomes always even?

because every chromosome must have a pair to survive

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The answer is 1. The number 2 is the only even prime number

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The number 217 is odd. Two even number add up to an even number so there are not two consecutive even number that total 217. Let 2m be any even number, 2k be another one There sum is 2(m+k) which is even.

The hybrid germ cells of a mule cannot undergo meiosis because?

Mules does not have even chromosome number. They have 63. During meiosis, chromosomes are paired up, one from the Mom and one from the Dad. Since mule does not have even chromosome number, pairing of homologous chromosomes are impossible, so meiosis is disrupted and no sex gametes are able to form.

Can you see chromosome with the naked eye?

No. Not even close.

Do animals need even numbers of chromosomes in order to reproduce?

All the autosomes are paired but the sex chromosome of a number of animals are not paired and they reproduce successfully.

Are all cells diploid?

Yes, In most cases all somatic cells are diploid but in some organisms it is not the case, Gametophytes of plants are always haploid. Bacteria are also haploid. In angiosperms, the endosperm; which is considered somatic; is a tissue consisting triploid cell. Some time its chromosome number varies from 2n to 15n.In some conifers , like Sequoia sempervirens, chromosome number is 6n (Hexaploids).So, even in somatic cells, there is a large variety in chromosome number.

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