317 is a prime number
Oh, what a happy little question! Let's turn 317 into a fraction. We can write it as 317/1 because any whole number can be written as itself over 1. Remember, there are no mistakes in fractions, just happy little numerators and denominators.
1 and 317. It is a prime number.
No, 317 is a prime number: its only factors are one and itself.
317 is a prime number.
317 is a prime number, therefore its only factors are one and itself.
317 is a whole number. It is in its simplest form. You could have 317/1 but it should be simplified to 317.
Darling, 317 is indeed a prime number. It's like finding a diamond in a pile of rocks—rare and precious. So, go ahead and flaunt that prime number status, 317!
Only 1 and 317 because it's a prime number
Oh, dude, 317 can be divided by 1, itself (317), and potentially by some other numbers too if you're into that whole math thing. But like, who has time for that? Just know that 317 isn't a prime number, so it's got some friends to hang out with when it comes to division.