317 is a prime number
The fractional part of this, 17/100, doesn't reduce (17 is prime). When we add the 3 (the whole number) to this fraction, we get 317/100. 317 is also prime, though, so the only way to express this as a fraction is 317/100.
1 and 317. It is a prime number.
317 is a whole number. It is in its simplest form. You could have 317/1 but it should be simplified to 317.
317 as a fraction is 317/1. This is because any whole number can be represented as that number over 1. In this case, 317 divided by 1 equals 317, so the fraction form of 317 is 317/1.
317 is a prime number
The fractional part of this, 17/100, doesn't reduce (17 is prime). When we add the 3 (the whole number) to this fraction, we get 317/100. 317 is also prime, though, so the only way to express this as a fraction is 317/100.
1 and 317. It is a prime number.
No, 317 is a prime number: its only factors are one and itself.
317 is a prime number.
317 is a prime number, therefore its only factors are one and itself.
Yes, 317 is a prime number. Its only factors are 1 and itself.
317 is a prime number having only two factors which are itself and one
Only 1 and 317 because it's a prime number