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The laws of physics depend on mathematics - sometimes very complex mathematics.

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Q: Why mathematics is necessary for the study of physics?
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What is the difference between physics and mathematics?

Physics is the study of the laws of nature. Mathematics is the study of Numbers and shape. Mathematics is the language in which physics is written.

Why mathematics the language to physics?

Physics is the study of matter and energy and their interactions. These can be understood and described using mathematics and that is the reason that mathematics is referred to as the language of physics.

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Physics and mathematics.

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Mathematics and Physics.

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Do you need to study mathematics when you study study science?

In order to study science subjects like Physics, Chemistry or Engineering Science, study of Mathematics is MUST!

Do we need to study mathematics when study science why or why not?

Yeh we do because Mathematics Is physics Without it You cant have science. And vice versa

What did archemedes study?

mathematics, physics, astronomy, invention, and engineering

What did Stevens study?

cosmology,physics,(black hole),mathematics

What else did Albert Eisenstein study besides mathematics?

Physics. He became best known for his physics theories and papers in Physics.

What would a chemists likely to study?

First chemistry; after physics and mathematics.

What did Steven hawking study?

cosmology,physics,(black hole),mathematics