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Mathematics is the Microscope and Telescope and Language of Physics.

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Q: What is the relevance of Mathematics to Physics?
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Related questions

Why mathematics is necessary for the study of physics?

The laws of physics depend on mathematics - sometimes very complex mathematics.

How is physics related to logic and mathematics?

Physics is a manifestation of the mathematics and logic of nature.

Why mathematics the language to physics?

Physics is the study of matter and energy and their interactions. These can be understood and described using mathematics and that is the reason that mathematics is referred to as the language of physics.

Which is more easy mathematics or physics?

Mathematics is easier. Physics requires mathematics to understand physics. Different people find different subjects easier. For some, physics is more concrete and easier.

Which one is great physics or Mathematics?


What branches of mathematics help time scientists?

Physics, particularly quantum physics (which is essentially mathematics).

What relevance of contributions to mathematics today?

me dejean nelson

What are the relevance of physics to man and society?

di ko alam

What courses in college prepare you to be a physicist?

Astronomy, Physics, Mathematics and the like. Essentially anything either involving routine use of advanced mathematics and physics or pure physics.

What is the role of mathematics in the field of physics?

The Laws of Physics are mathematical and mathematics allows one to read and understand the Physical Laws.Before Newton, mathematics was seen as a tool for Physics. Now mathematics is the microscope and telescope for physics.The Universe consists of four dimensions (quaternions) and Quaternion Mathematics is rarely known among physicists and seldom taught.Consequently, much of the mysteries of "dark" physics is the result of lack of knowledge of Quaternion Mathematics.

What is the application of physics in mathematics?

there is none

My colleague recommends a journal called "Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics" to me. How about this journal Did anyone publish papers in this journal?

Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics is an international journal dedicated to the latest advancements in applied mathematics and physics. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for researchers and scientists all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of applied mathematics and physics. We aim to publish high quality research articles in terms of originality, depth and relevance of content, and particularly welcome contributions of interdisciplinary research on applied mathematics, physics and engineering. Here's its Google entry description. I read the introduction and viewde several articles. The journal has been developing well for the last ten years. It includes many famous theories and new ideas in the field of physics. The normality should be no problem, but as a fellow physicist, I have different opinions on my own. All in all, not bad.