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Physics is the study of matter and energy and their interactions. These can be understood and described using mathematics and that is the reason that mathematics is referred to as the language of physics.

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Q: Why mathematics the language to physics?
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What is the relevance of Mathematics to Physics?

Mathematics is the Microscope and Telescope and Language of Physics.

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Mathematics is the language of physics?

Yes Mathematics need to be the language of physics Human With his development created words of different languages to express the feelings but using the phenomena of logic "how to count?" developed another language that is mathematics ,by logic we know how to count & what it express the meaning.

What is the difference between physics and mathematics?

Physics is a natural science that seeks to understand how the universe behaves through observation, experimentation, and mathematical models. Mathematics is a formal language that studies patterns, structures, and relationships using logic and abstract concepts. In physics, mathematics is used as a tool to describe and predict the behavior of physical systems.

Why is it that some people who are bad at math are good at physics?

Must be conceptual physics as physics has one language and that language is mathematics. I have never known a physicists that was not good at math.

How is mathematics related to physics and chemistry?

Mathematics is a language that relates concepts to each other. Physics and chemistry can use mathematics as a tool for exploring and discovering relationships. On another view, physics and chemistry are physical manifestations of mathematical relationships.

Why is mathematics important to scientists?

Mathematics is the language of physics, and all the sciences are branches of physics. So if we are to explain, describe, or understand anything in our universe, we must use mathematics in one form or another to come to that understanding.

What language did people have to understand the universe?

They need a deep knowledge of astronomy, cosmology, physics, mathematics, chemistry.

Why mathematics is necessary for the study of physics?

The laws of physics depend on mathematics - sometimes very complex mathematics.

How is physics related to logic and mathematics?

Physics is a manifestation of the mathematics and logic of nature.

Which is more easy mathematics or physics?

Mathematics is easier. Physics requires mathematics to understand physics. Different people find different subjects easier. For some, physics is more concrete and easier.

What does being excellent at math have to do with doing well in physics?

Mathematics is the language of physics. You cannot do well in physics unless you can handle the math. If you are excellent at math, you have a better chance of being very good or excellent in physics, too.