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Q: Why the solubility of nacl is greater than glucose?
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Why solubility of NaCl in water is greater than glucose.?


Supersaturated solution of NaCl is the result of?

A supersaturated solution has a concentration of solute greater than the solubility at a specific temperature.

What molecule is larger glucose or sodium chloride?

Wate is molecular , H2O. NaCl is giant ionic laattice and is not molecular when normally encountered. In terms of mass the formula unit of NaCl is greater than than the molecular mass of water.

Why glucose is less soluble in water?

glucose has less solubility than sodium chloride because of the more OH bonds

What has a concentration greater than the maximum solubility?

A supersaturated solution.

Is the solubility of oxygen in blood at 2 ATM less than the same as or greater than at atmospheric pressure?

in my opinion, according to Henry's law - if pressure increase, solubility of gases will increase as well. I would say that the solubility of oxygen at 2 atm will be greater than at atm.

Why are density and solubility size independent physical properties of matter?

Density and solubility are size-independent physical properties of matter because their values do not uniformly increase or decrease relative to size or volume. Density is the measure of mass within a given volume, so while the size of an object does influence the density, it does not entail that smaller objects have greater density. For example, a cannon has greater density than a cup of water, even though the cannon has much greater volume. Solubility is the measure of a substance's ability to dissolve, therefore both large and small objects can have high or low solubility. For example, a packet of sugar has greater solubility than a Bowling bowl, while a large mineral lick has greater solubility than a pin.

Explain why density and solubility are size independent physical properties of matter?

Density and solubility are size-independent physical properties of matter because their values do not uniformly increase or decrease relative to size or volume. Density is the measure of mass within a given volume, so while the size of an object does influence the density, it does not entail that smaller objects have greater density. For example, a cannon has greater density than a cup of water, even though the cannon has much greater volume. Solubility is the measure of a substance's ability to dissolve, therefore both large and small objects can have high or low solubility. For example, a packet of sugar has greater solubility than a Bowling bowl, while a large mineral lick has greater solubility than a pin.

Which is faster to melt glucose or sodium chloride?

Glucose (Melting point: 146° C) will melt faster than NaCl (Melting point: 801° C)

Does glucose move into the sac?

If you have a semipermeable sac containing 4 percent NaCl, 9 percent glucose, and 10 percent albumin is suspended in a solution with the following com- position: 10 percent NaCl, 10 percent glucose, and 40 percent albumin. The glucose will move into a semi-permeable sac.

In forming a water solution what process does an ionic compound undergo?

hydration of the ions- this forms aqua complexes. The energy of formation of the aqua complexes has to be greater than the energy holding the crystal together. This is true for NaCl which is a soluble compound, but untrue for calcium chloride which has very low solubility.

Which sugar is found in greater than normal amounts in the blood of a diabetic?
