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Because it is defined as the principal square root of the variance.

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Q: Why the standard deviation of a set of data will always be greater than or equal to 0?
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What are all the values a standard deviation can take?

The standard deviation must be greater than or equal to zero.

Can a standard deviation of a sample be equal to a standard deviation of a population?


Why the standard deviation of set of data will always be greater than zero?

The standard deviation is always be equal or higher than zero. If my set of data is limited to whole numbers, all of which are equal, the standard deviation is 0. In all other situations, we first calculate the difference of each number from the average and then calculate the square of the difference. While the difference can be a negative, the square of the difference can not be. The square of the standard deviation has to be positive, since it is the sum of all positive numbers. If we calculate s2 = 4, then s can be -2 or +2. By convention, we take the positive root.

Is it possible for a standard deviation to be negative?

no it is not possible because you have to take the square of error that is (x-X)2. the square of any number is always positive----------Improved answer:It is not possible to have a negative standard deviation because:SD (standard deviation) is equal to the square of V (variance).

Can standard deviation equal zero?

Standard deviation can only be zero if all the data points in your set are equal. If all data points are equal, there is no deviation. For example, if all the participants in a survey coincidentally were all 30 years old, then the value of age would be 30 with no deviation. Thus, there would also be no standard deviation.A data set of one point (small sample) will always have a standard deviation of zero, because the one value doesn't deviate from itself at all.!

Can standard deviation equal standard error?

If n = 1.

If the standard error of a sample of 48 is equal to 14.25 the standard deviation is equal to?


The square of the standard deviation is equal to?

The variance

Is the standard deviation the same as the mean of absolute distances from the mean?

no the standard deviation is not equal to mean of absolute distance from the mean

Is it possible for the mean and standard deviation to be equal?


Is the margin of error always greater than or equal to the standard of error?


What are the four numbers have the smallest possible standard deviation?

If all four numbers are the same, there is no standard deviation. The mean will be equal to all 4 numbers, resulting in a 0 standard deviation. Ex) 5,5,5,5