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Do not add the denominators together. Though keep in mind that both denominators must be the same to add to fractions together.

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Q: Why when adding do you not add the numerator or the denominator?
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Does the numerator or denominator change when adding or subtracting?


What do you subtract when you have two rational expressions that have a common denominator?

When subtracting you have to make sure that the second numerator is multiplied by -1 so the equation turns into adding. When you add and you already have a common denominator you add the numerators and leave the denominator the same.

When adding or subtracting fractions do you change the numerator?

you subtract the numerator but the denominator stays the same.

How do you add fractions with same numerator?

if it has a denominator

How do you add a half to a fraction?

add half the denominator to the numerator

Do you have to add the numerator and denominator to have a like fraction?

No because you have too multiply the numerator and denominator by the the same number to have an equivalent fraction.

How can you change a mix number to a fraction?

by multiplying the denominator with the whole number and adding the numerator. the denominator will remain the same.

Why cant you add the numerator and denominator?

You can but it makes no mathematical sense.

How do you change a mixed number into an improper number?

You multiply the whole number with the denominator. Then you add that to the numerator. Then, that becomes the new numerator. The denominator stays the same.

Do you have to have the same denominator when you subtract fractions?

Yes, but the numerator is different,same as adding fractions

How do you rename each mixed number in simplest form?

you can rename a mixed number in the simplest form by taking the number and multiplying the number by the denominator and add the numerator to that number and keep the same denominator and use the number that you got by multiplying and adding as the numerator and keep the denominator the same then you will end up with an improper fraction and how to change the improper fraction into a mixed number is to divide the numerator from the denominator and you will end up with a remainder and so your answer on top becomes the number and the remainder becomes the numerator and the number out of the dog house is your denominator

How do you simplify the fraction?

first multiply the denominator to the mixed number. then,when you got the product, add the product to the numerator. then,when you got the sum, copy the sum as numerator and the denominator was the last denominator you used.