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Both would weigh 1 Kilogram with a difference of volume.

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Q: Would a kilogram of butter weigh more or a kilogram of lead?
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Which has greater weight a kilogram of butter of kilogram of lead what is greater density which has greater volume?

They both weigh the same: 1kg = 1kg. The kg of butter has a greater volume and the kg of lead has a higher density.

Would a kilogram of feathers be heavier than a kilogram of lead?

No, both weigh a kilogram

Which has the greatest volume a kilogram of butter or a kilogram of lead?

Butter has greater volume than lead because butter has more mass.

Which has a greater weight a kilogram of butter or a kilogram of lead which has greater density?

They both weight a kilogram. Lead has a higher density.

What weighs more a kilogram of butter or kilogram of lead?

They both have the same value

What is heavier a kilogram of lead or kilogram of polystyrene breads?

They both weigh the same !

What is heavier a kilo of lead of wood or of feathers?

They all would weigh the same amount, 1 Kilogram.

Which is greater a kilogram of butter or a kilogram of lead?

Their masses are the same, so they have the same weigh whenever they're both on the same planet. A kilogram is a kilogram, no matter what form it takes. 1 kilogram is the exact same measure. Its like asking which is longer, a centimeter of chalk or a centimeter of candy. It's also the same as asking: What weighs more, a pound of feathers or a pound of lead ?

Which is denser a kilogram of water or a kilogram of lead?

A kilogram of butter as it is less dense than lead.

Does a kilogram of lead weigh as much as 100 g of feathers?


What would have the larger mass a kilogram of lead or a kilogram of feathers?

A kilogram is a measure of mass therefore a kilogram of lead and a kilogram of feathers have the same mass: one kilogram. They would, however, have different volumes and densities.

What weighs more 1000 kilogram of marbles or 1000 kilogram of lead weights?

Neither, they both weigh the same 100 kg