The area of the square would be measured in square units - square meters, square centimeters, hectares, etc.The area of the square would be measured in square units - square meters, square centimeters, hectares, etc.The area of the square would be measured in square units - square meters, square centimeters, hectares, etc.The area of the square would be measured in square units - square meters, square centimeters, hectares, etc.
A square that has an area of four square yards would be two square yards on a side. Thus, the perimeter of such a square would be a total of eight yards.
Completing the square would be the same as "Finding the square root" So an example would be 16. 16 is a perfect square so it would reduce to 4.
Three square feet would cover one square yard or 36 square inches.
A square acre is a square-shaped area containing 43,560 square feet. The perimeter of this area would be about 834.8 feet and the diagonal distance would be about 295.2 feet.
It's not a square if it has no root. If a number is a square then, by definition, it MUST have a square root. If it did not it would not be a square.
No. If it did, then it would be a square.
The square root of a number is a value that, when multiplied by itself, gives the original number. The opposite of a square root would be the negative square root of the same number, as it would also multiply by itself to give the original number. For example, the square root of 4 is 2, and the opposite of the square root of 4 would be -2.
A square of any size would be similar.
That would be a square. If the number that was multiplied by itself is an integer, it would be a perfect square,
If the house has 10 square units, then to convert to square meters you would need to know the size of each square unit. For example, if each square unit is 1 square meter, then the house would be 10 square meters in total. If each square unit is 2 square meters, then the house would be 20 square meters in total.
NO! Then it wouldn't be a square! It would be another shape, definetely not a square!