

Write two fractions for 5 10s?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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1/2 and 2/4

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Q: Write two fractions for 5 10s?
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What are the fractions between 8 10ths and 5 4ths?

There are no fractions between 8/10s and 4/5s because those fractions are equal. In decimal form they equal .8

What are five fractions greater than 4 10s?

Five fractions greater than 4/10 or 2/5 (both are equivalent) would be: 3/6, 4/7, 5/8, 6/9, and 8/10.

Fractions more than one are called?

Depending on how you write them, they are either called mixed fractions (e.g., 2 1/2), or improper fractions (e.g., 5/2).Depending on how you write them, they are either called mixed fractions (e.g., 2 1/2), or improper fractions (e.g., 5/2).Depending on how you write them, they are either called mixed fractions (e.g., 2 1/2), or improper fractions (e.g., 5/2).Depending on how you write them, they are either called mixed fractions (e.g., 2 1/2), or improper fractions (e.g., 5/2).

How do you write 40.8 in fractions?

40 4/5

Rename two thirds and three fourths as fractions with 12 of the denominator then add the Renamed fractions write the sum as a mixed number?

Two thirds and three fourths can be renamed as fractions with 12 of the denominator as 8/12 and 9/12 respectively. The sum of the renamed fractions as a mixed number is 1 5/12.

How do you write 3 fractions that are equivelent to 2 over 5?

2/5 = 4/10 = 8/20 = 16/40. All these fractions are the same as 2/5.

What two fractions are equivalent fraction for 5-15?


Name two equivalent fractions for each fraction 5 by 15?

two equivalent fractions for 5 over 15 = 1/3, 10/30

How do you write 4.2 in fractions?

4.2 in fractions= 21/5, 42/10,...4.2 * 10/10 = 42/10 or 21/5 in fraction in lowest term

What two fractions make a whole?

5/8 and 5/8

What two fractions make the number 5?

5/2 + 5/2= 5

What is two equivalent fractions for 5 over 5?

5/5 and 1 whole