

You have 13536 pairs of gloves how many dozen do you have?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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You have 1128 dozen pairs of gloves.

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Q: You have 13536 pairs of gloves how many dozen do you have?
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A mercant bought 30 dozen pairs of gloves how many individual gloves did the merchant buy?

360 individual pairs of gloves

A merchant buys 30 dozen pairs of gloves how many individual gloves did the merchant buy?

First work out how many pairs of gloves the merchant bought. He bought 30 dozen. A dozen is 12, so 30 x 12 = is 360. A pair of gloves is two individual gloves. So 360 pairs x 2 = 720. The merchant bought 720 individual gloves.

Thirty dozen gloves how many individuals gloves did I buy?

Thirty dozen is 30x12=360 gloves. Each individual gets two gloves so 360/2=180 people would have pair of gloves. This assumes all individuals have to hands.Alternately. 30 dozen gloves is 30/2=15 dozen pairs of gloves or 15x12=180 pairs. 1 pair per person meets the needs of 180 people.

If merchant bought 30 dozen pairs of gloves how many individual gloves did the merchant buy?

30*12*2 = 720

A merchant bought 30 dozen pairs of gloves How many individual gloves did the merchant buy?

720 ! 30 x 12 x 2

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If i was getting boxing gloves for me and a friend how many pairs would i need?

You would need two pairs. One pair for you and one pair for your friend.

How many pairs of gloves do you have o ware in antarctica?

Your answer depends on the material from which the gloves are made, and your requirement for the use of your fingers and hands.

A merchant bought 30 pairs of gloves. How many individual gloves did the merchant buy?

there are two gloves in a pair. 2 x 30 = 60. The merchant bought 60 gloves.

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From Mumbai - 8411 MI/13536 KM