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Q: You see two sizes of me when you trace a rectangular prism What am I?
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What figure do you see two sizes of when you trace a rectangular prism?


Can you see a picture of a rectangular prism?

No I can't. Where is it?

What is the difference between a rectangular prism and a triangular prism?

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Show me a picture of a rectangular prism?

See the related link for a diagram of a cuboid.

What solid figures do you get if you cut the rengtangular prism as shown?

We can get a two cubes because when you cut the rectangular prism you can get it.You will see.^_^

How are geometric shapes used in architecture?

Well, isn't a rectangular prism a geometric shape? And isn't a brick a rectangular prism? see this is one way that geometric shapes are used in architecture.

How can you tell the gender of a stink bug?

you look at it's stomach and see if it has a purple rectangular prims on it's bellybutton. if you see this rectangular prism, then you know it is a guy.

How do you draw a net for a rectangular prism?

Go to, to see.

What kind of 3d shape would a book be?

I'm guessing it would be a rectangular prism, whether it's open or closed. Picture it as a rectangle when looking at it from the from, then angle it slightly so you can see it has depth. Rectangular prism :)

What would a rectangular prism look like that pou would see in real life?


How many straight edges doe a rectangular prism have?

Lets see 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 12

How do you make a 2 dimesional rectangular solid?

A rectangular solid is 3-dimensional, but I'm assuming you mean a 2-dimensional representation of a rectangular solid, which is called a net. Do a search for the following: "net rectangular prism" and you will see a drawing of it.