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Q: You use this to work out sums and its 10 letters.?
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Where does a scientist work 10 letters?


Because the Romans use letters for their numerals how do they do sums?

Quite easily because each of the 7 numerals represented a certain value. The Romans even had the equivalent of a modern day calculator to do their sums it was called an abacus device. The 7 numerical values: M=1000, D=500, C=100, L=50, X=10, V=5, I=1

What does a teacher use in the classroom that has 10 letters?


What is the answer for work done to make new things 10 letters?

work done to make new things

What 10 letters word of work done to make new things?


What are the sums of Fibonacci numbers 1-10?


What does 10 plus 10 minus 50?

It does nothing. Numbers, and sums, do not have the power to do anything!10 + 10 - 50 = -30

How many sums of maths you must do in class 10 for practice?


How many even sums can you get from rolling two dice?

You can get 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12, six even sums all together.

What is a 10 letter word made out of abcdefg?

Decabbaged 10 letters. its the biggest word u can use

What does a teacher use in the class room which is 10 letters long?

A whiteboard.

Starts with a h and ends in a r has 10 letters - How often does Santa Claus work?
