can anyone tell me what 5 t at h stands for? and also stuck with 10 = p b
1.a 2.i 3.c 4.u 5.u 6.m 7.h 8.b 9.q 10.m 11.b 12.a 13.i 14.t 15.p 16.t 17.c 18.h 19.t
1 M and H D
3h + 20 - h + 5 = 2h + 25
If t=1, then 5t = 5 and 5t + 5 = 10
sin(t) = 2/3 sin2(t) + cos2(t) = 1 so cos(t) = ± sqrt[1 - sin2(t)] but because t is in the first quadrant, cos(t) > 0 so cos(t) = + sqrt[1 - sin2(t)] = sqrt[1 - 4/9] = sqrt[5/9] = sqrt(5)/3 Then sec(t) = 1/cos(t) = 1/sqrt(5)/3 = 3/sqrt(5) = 3*sqrt(5)/5
12..... h+1, h+2, h+3, h+4, h+5, h+6, t+1, t+2, t+3, t+4, t+5, t+6,
There are 12 possible outcomes: ....................................................... ............................./---- 1 = H + 1 ..... ............................/.......................... .........................../../--- 2 = H + 2 ..... ........................../../......................... ........................./../../-- 3 = H + 3 ..... .............../-- H _/_/_/......................... ............../.........\..\..\-- 4 = H + 4 ...... ............./...........\..\.......................... ............/.............\..\--- 5 = H + 5 ...... .........../...............\........................... ........../.................\---- 6 = H + 6 ...... ........./............................................. .........\............................................. ..........\................./---- 1 = T + 1 ...... ...........\.............../........................... ............\............./../--- 2 = T + 2 ...... .............\.........../../.......................... ..............\........./../../-- 3 = T + 3 ...... ...............\-- T _/_/_/......................... ........................\..\..\-- 4 = T + 4 ...... .........................\..\.......................... ..........................\..\--- 5 = T + 5 ...... ...........................\........................... ............................\---- 6 = T + 6 ...... .......................................................
If the 'outcome' means heads vs. tails, then there are 8 possibilities. They are: 1). H H H 2). H H T 3). H T H 4). H T T 5). T H H 6). T H T 7). T T H 8). T T T
1 2 3 4 h h h h h h h t h h t h h h t t h t h h h t h t h t t h h t t t t h h h t h h t t h t h t h t t t t h h t t h t t t t h t t t t
4 coins tossed could have the following patterns T T T T T T T H, T T H T, T H T T, H T T T T T H H, T H T H, T H H T, H H T T, H T H T, H T T H H H H T, H H T H, H T H H, T H H H H H H H Odds of 2H&2T = 6/16 = .375
5 terminals at heathrow airport
Each flip can land in 2 ways. Total number of possible ways that 5 flips can land is2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 32 different ways.There are only 5 different ways to get exactly 3 heads in a row in 5 flips.They are:H H H T TH H H T HT H H H TT T H H HH T H H H.The probabilty is 5/32 = 15.625 percent.====================================================That's if you mean exactly 3 heads in a row ... no less and no more.What if you asked for "at least 3 heads in a row" ?There are 8 ways to do that:The original five ways to get 3 in a row . . .H H H T TH H H T HT H H H TT T H H HH T H H HPlus 2 ways to get 4 in a row . . .T H H H HH H H H TPlus a way to get 5 in a row . . .H H H H H.The probability of one of these outcomes is 8/32 = 25 percent.
nobody because they thought it was a piece of S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T
well the possible outcomes are as follows (H=Heads T=Tails)H H H H HH H H H TH H H T TH H T T TH T T T TT T T T TThat's six different possibilities you can have therefore the chance of getting 3 heads is one (because there is only one possibility with three heads) over six (because there are six possibilities)1/6
8: h-h-h, h-h-t, h-t-h, t-h-h, t-t-h, t-h-t, h-t-t and t-t-t.
0.666 ^^^^ his answer mine 3 in 8 i believe. which is 0.375 you can get h,h,h h,t,h h,t,t h,h,t t,h,h t,t,h t,h,t t,t,t the ones you are looking for are h,h,t t,h,h h,t,h
H = 1 + sin(3t) When t = 5, H = 1 + sin(15) = 1 + 0.2588 = 1.26 metres, approx.