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a story of maths on topic use of maths in our daily life

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Q: A story on use of maths in your daily life?
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in maths

How can you use maths in your daily life?

for budgeting evryday 4 daily consumption.

How do chefs use maths in daily life?

They have to use maths to work out how much of a certain ingredient they need for a recipe.

Paragraph on use of maths in your daily life?

maths is very useful for us in every field.

How can you use advanced mathematics in daily life?

Advanced maths like calculus, trigonometry etc can be used to find areas of irregular objects. Simple math is use extensively in daily life like statistics.

How can you make maths working or non working model which shows the use of maths in daily life?

You can make working or non working models that show the use of math in every day life easily. Simply do something with counting money.

Where you use maths in your daily life?

You use maths whenever you go shopping and mentally total up your purchases as you shop in case you haven't got enough money on you. Or when placing a bet on the horses and you want to calculate the odds, tax and possible winnings. You may need to use maths at your place of work.

How will you use square roots in life?

if your a maths teacher or anything to do with maths.

How you use angles in your daily life?

angles in our daily life

Do art teachers use math daily?

Not sure how this is important but everyone uses simple maths daily and art teaches probably do a little

What is uses of geometry in daily life?

daily life use in geomatry

What elements do you use daily in life?

we use the elements in daily life are breathing,blinking, landscaping, painting,designing