A triangle with equal sides ia an equilateral triangle, in it all the internal are equal the sum of which is 180 degrees.
A triangle with equal sides ia an equilateral triangle, in it all the internal are equal the sum of which is 180 degrees.
EQUILATERAL triangle. Two sides the same length , and two angles equal is ISOSCELES Triangle A triangle with a Right-Angle is a RIGHT -ANGLED Triangle No equal sides/angles is a SCALENE triangle.
An EQUILATERAL Triangle. An ISOSCELES Triangle is two equal sides and two equal angles. A RIGHT-ANGLED Triangle has ONE right angle (90 degrees) A SCALENE Triangle has neither equal sides nor equal angles.
Yes that is correct
A triangle with two equal sides and two equal angles is called an isosceles triangle.
A triangle with three equal sides and three equal angles is called an equilateral triangle.
A triangle that has three equal sides, and therefore three equal angles, is called an equilateral triangle.
A Triangle with three equal sides is called a Equilateral Triangle.
In terms of the length the sides of a triangle it can be classified into three types:if all three sides are equal then the triangle is an equilateral triangleif only two sides are equal then the triangle is an isosceles triangleif none of the three sides are equal then the triangle is called a scalene triangle
a scalene triangle has no equal sides. an isosceles triangle has two equal sides
A triangle has three sides.A triangle with three equal sides is called an equilateral triangle.
Three equal sides in the form of an equilateral triangle and two equal sides in the form of an isosceles triangle
A triangle with three equal sides is called a equalateral triangle.
A triangle with two sides of equal length is an isoscelestriangle.NOTE : A triangle with three equal sides is an equilateral triangle.A triangle with all three sides of different lengths is a scalene triangle.
You can classify a triangle by its sides or by its angles. I.e: A triangle with three equal sides is an equilateral triangle A triangle with three equal angles is an equiangular triangle A triangle with two equal sides is an isosceles triangle
An equilateral triangle is a triangle whose three sides are equal.
A scalene triangle has three unequal sides An equilateral triangle has three equal sides