7.13 is "wireyouinsulate" (why are you in so late?) but I don't know about 8.1, sorry.
1) 21 2) 1 3) -25 4) mean= 81, median=84.5 Final answer= 15730
1 = 3^(0) 3 = 3^(1) 9 = 3^(2) x = 3^(3) 81 = 3^(4) Notice that the indices rise term by term. Hence x = 3^(3) = x = 27
The factors of 18 are 1,2,3,6,9, and 18. The factors of 81 are 1,3,9,27, and 81.
81 is a perfect square because 81 = 9 x 9
We don't provide that kind of information.
figure it out
blue dogs are mooing at 4.12
Charles Vonder Embse has written: 'Exploring introductory algebra with the TI-81' -- subject(s): Algebra, Data processing, TI-81 (Calculator)
Page 81-82
Algebra and the answer is 1.68
There are infinitely many answers. 1 times 81, for example.
page 81
Earle Page died on December 20, 1961 at the age of 81.
40 & 41
Find the numbers which, when multiplied by themselves, give the answer 81. The answers are -9 and +9.