These digits can be represented based on their Place Value Notation.
6 hundred thousand
Fund code
There are 3 values (1, 2, 3) for each of the 4 digits. Therefore, there are 3*3*3*3 or 81 four digit numbers that can be formed.
5*5*4*4 = 400
just because
Since a binary digit has only two possible values, each digit bears less information than in decimal, where each digit can have ten different values.
Neither of the following are true about 1 bit, it can not represent decimal values 0 and 9 nor can it be used to represent one character in the lowercase English alphabet and one binary digit four binary. A true statement would be that 1 bit is represented by the decimal values 0 or 1.
Number 7 has only one digit so it has only place value also.
The decimal system uses the digits 0-9 to represent numbers. Each digit's value is determined by its position in a number. For example, in the number 573, the digit 5 represents 500, the digit 7 represents 70, and the digit 3 represents 3.
A hexadecimal colour code is a six-digit code where the code for any particular colour the RGB values, each represented by a 2-digit code as follows:the first two digits represent the hexadecimal code for the red colour type,the second two digits represent the hexadecimal code for the green colour type, andthe third two digits represent the hexadecimal code for the blue colour type.In each case, these codes include leading zeros, so that they are two digit codes in the range [00, FF]. This allows 256 different values for each colour type making 16,777,216 colours in all.
The only two numbers that represent a binary digit are 0 and 1
It represent eighty thousand.
Digit 4 represents ones.
Digit four represents ones.
HTU. 100.0 The second digit to the left.
With 6 binary digits, you have 26 different possibilities. This is because there are two possibilities for each digit, and each digit is independent of the other digits - so you just multiply the possibilities for each digit together.