Quadrants I and III. In Quadrant I, the values are both positive. In Quadrant III, the values are both negative.
NO! Quadrant 1 is top right (x,y) Both positive Quadrant 2 is top left ( -x,y) ('x' is negative, 'y' is positive) Quadrant 3 is bottom left (-x,-y)(Both negative) Quadrant 4 is bottom right ( x,-y). ( 'x' is positive , and 'y' is negative).
The quadrants formed by the x and y axes are numbered anticlockwise from the quadrant in which both coordinates are positive (which is quadrant I). Thus negative x and positive y is in the quadrant II.
Yes, the slope of a line that passes through quadrant 3 is typically negative. In quadrant 3, both the x and y coordinates are negative, so when you calculate the slope using the formula (change in y / change in x), the result will be negative. This is because as you move from left to right along the line, the y-values decrease as the x-values also decrease, resulting in a negative slope.
Quadrants I and III. In Quadrant I, the values are both positive. In Quadrant III, the values are both negative.
The third (or SouthWest) quadrant.
Coordinate is the common name. Abscissa is used for the information along the X-axis. Ordinate is used for the information along Y-axis. So abscissa is the x co-ordinate, and ordinate is the y co-ordinate. As they are both negative, then the point must be located in the third quadrant.
A vertical line passing through 0, commonly called the y-axis, and a horizontal line passingg through 0, commonly called the x-axis, divide the plane into 4 quadrants. Moving counter-clockwise from the positive x-axis, in the 1st quadrant x and y are both positive, in the 2nd quadrant x is negative and y is positive, in the third quadrant both x and y are negative and in the fourth quadrant x is positive and y is negative. Hope this helps.
Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.It depends upon which quadrant the point is in:In quadrant I they both have the same sign - positive;In quadrant II they have the different signs - x is negative whilst y is positive;In quadrant III they both have the same sign - negative;In quadrant IV they have the different signs - x is positive whilst y is negative;
Both coordinates are negative in this case.
It won't be located on any of the axis. It would be said to be on x-axis or on y-axis (or) it would be said to be the origin accordingly.
That depends on the context. For example, the rectangular or cartesian coordinate system can be divided into 4 quadrants named 1-4. Knowing which quadrant a point is in will tell you the sign of the x and y coordinates.. For example, the x and y values of a point in quadrant 1 are both positive. In quadrant two, the x is negative and the y is positive, while in quadrant 3, they are both negative. The 4th quadrant has negative y values and positive x values.
If the points have both positive y-values and x-values it is quadrant 1 If the points have a negative x-value and a positive y-value it is quadrant 2 If the points have both negative y-values and x-values it is quadrant 3 If the points have a positive x-values and a negative y-value it is quadrant 4
The four sections of a coordinate grid are marked by the x-axis and y-axis intersecting at the origin point (0,0). The top right section is known as the first quadrant, where both x and y values are positive. The top left section is the second quadrant, where x values are negative and y values are positive. The bottom left section is the third quadrant, where both x and y values are negative. The bottom right section is the fourth quadrant, where x values are positive and y values are negative.
Everything above the x-axis and to the right of the y-axis is called the "First Quadrant". At every point in this quadrant, 'x' and 'y' are both positive (or zero).