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no, they are both positive.

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Q: Are both x and y axis of a point in quadrant 1 negative?
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Which quadrants do the x-axis and y-axis have the same sign?

Quadrants I and III. In Quadrant I, the values are both positive. In Quadrant III, the values are both negative.

In which quadrant are both x and y negative?

The third (or SouthWest) quadrant.

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A point having a negative abscissa and negative ordinate is in quadrant?

Coordinate is the common name. Abscissa is used for the information along the X-axis. Ordinate is used for the information along Y-axis. So abscissa is the x co-ordinate, and ordinate is the y co-ordinate. As they are both negative, then the point must be located in the third quadrant.

What is a quadtrant?

A vertical line passing through 0, commonly called the y-axis, and a horizontal line passingg through 0, commonly called the x-axis, divide the plane into 4 quadrants. Moving counter-clockwise from the positive x-axis, in the 1st quadrant x and y are both positive, in the 2nd quadrant x is negative and y is positive, in the third quadrant both x and y are negative and in the fourth quadrant x is positive and y is negative. Hope this helps.

Do X and y coordinates have same sign?

Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.It depends upon which quadrant the point is in:In quadrant I they both have the same sign - positive;In quadrant II they have the different signs - x is negative whilst y is positive;In quadrant III they both have the same sign - negative;In quadrant IV they have the different signs - x is positive whilst y is negative;

What must be true about the coordinates of any point that lies in the third quadrant?

Both coordinates are negative in this case.

What quadrant would a point be located in if it is on an axis or both?

It won't be located on any of the axis. It would be said to be on x-axis or on y-axis (or) it would be said to be the origin accordingly.

How do you use a quadrant?

That depends on the context. For example, the rectangular or cartesian coordinate system can be divided into 4 quadrants named 1-4. Knowing which quadrant a point is in will tell you the sign of the x and y coordinates.. For example, the x and y values of a point in quadrant 1 are both positive. In quadrant two, the x is negative and the y is positive, while in quadrant 3, they are both negative. The 4th quadrant has negative y values and positive x values.

How do you find the quadrant number of a point?

If the points have both positive y-values and x-values it is quadrant 1 If the points have a negative x-value and a positive y-value it is quadrant 2 If the points have both negative y-values and x-values it is quadrant 3 If the points have a positive x-values and a negative y-value it is quadrant 4

How are the four sections of a coordinate grid marked?

The four sections of a coordinate grid are marked by the x-axis and y-axis intersecting at the origin point (0,0). The top right section is known as the first quadrant, where both x and y values are positive. The top left section is the second quadrant, where x values are negative and y values are positive. The bottom left section is the third quadrant, where both x and y values are negative. The bottom right section is the fourth quadrant, where x values are positive and y values are negative.

The upper right region of the coordinate plane is called?

Everything above the x-axis and to the right of the y-axis is called the "First Quadrant". At every point in this quadrant, 'x' and 'y' are both positive (or zero).