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No. However, a special subset of such problems: integer programming, can have two optimal solutions.

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Q: Can a linear programming problem have two optimal solutions?
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Can a linear programming problem have exactly two optimal solutions?

Yes, a linear programming problem can have exactly two optimal solutions. This will be the case as long as only two decision variables are used within the problem.

Can a linear programming problem have multiple optimal solutions?

When solving linear prog. problems, we base our solutions on of these assumptions is that there is only one optimal solution to the in short NO. BY HADI It is possible to have more than one optimal solution point in a linear programming model. This may occur when the objective function has the same slope as one its binding constraints.

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What do you understand by linear programming?

1. What do you understand by Linear Programming Problem? What are the requirements of Linear Programming Problem? What are the basic assumptions of Linear Programming Problem?

Can a linear programming problem have multiple solutions?

Yes. If the feasible region has a [constraint] line that is parallel to the objective function.

Is it possible for an linear programming model to have exact two optimal solutions?

Yes, but only if the solution must be integral. There is a segment of a straight line joining the two optimal solutions. Since the two solutions are in the feasible region part of that line must lie inside the convex simplex. Therefore any solution on the straight line joining the two optimal solutions would also be an optimal solution.

What is the relationship between linear programming problem and transportation problem?

you learn linear programming before you learn the transportation problem.

What has the author Shinji Mizuno written?

Shinji Mizuno has written: 'Determination of optimal vertices from feasible solutions in unimodular linear programming' -- subject(s): Accessible book

What has the author Toshinori Munakata written?

Toshinori Munakata has written: 'Matrices and linear programming with applications' -- subject(s): Linear programming, Matrices 'Solutions manual for Matrices and linear programming'

How do you solve a fixed cost problem?

Fixed Cost Problem is a kind of the Mixed Linear Programming Problem(MILP).Also, MILP is a Parametric Quadratic Concave Programming Problem. The optimal solution is existence of vertix set of the domain set. Then, you can use the domain cutting method.

What are the essential characteristics of linear programming problem?

essential attributes of linear programming models and its uses

Distinguish between integer programming problem and linear programming problem?

Integer programming is a subset of linear programming where the feasible region is reduced to only the integer values that lie within it.