To convert 8.79 to a mixed number, we first need to separate the whole number part from the decimal part. The whole number part is 8, and the decimal part is 0.79. To convert the decimal part to a fraction, we place 79 over 100 (since there are two decimal places in 0.79) and simplify it to 79/100. Therefore, 8.79 as a mixed number is 8 79/100.
You figure it out! Understanding math takes a lot of practice and time, you know. You can't just look up the answers to your homework. If you need help, ASK your family or your teachers! And practice makes perfect. Keep my advice in mind. I'm only trying to help you with math. Besides, you can't look up the answers for your math TAKS test!
mixed numbers
12 is the Integer part. Leave that alone. Next, focus on the decimal part, which is .13. Turn that into a fraction. .13=13/100. That cannot be reduced. Therefore, 12.13 = 12 and 13/100.
Change it into a mixed number then take the reciprocol of it.
It is 76 and 3/100 as a mixed number
The mixed number for 5.425 is 5 (17 over 40)
879/100 is.
3 and 879/1000
8.79 meters as a mixed number = 879/100 meters.
8.79 = 879/100 and that is the final answer because the fraction cannot be simplified.
879 is an odd number.
Converting a mixed number into a proper fraction,is too divide the two numbers.
259 is an integer and there is no sensible way to represent it as a mixed number.
879 is larger than 8.47 is.
You cannot. A mixed number, by definition, has a fractional part. In converting to a decimal number, you cannot get rid of that fractional part and so you can never convert it to a decimal integer.
SGBLAU2S 112-879 is the Head Office BSB.
Convert the mixed number into an improper fraction then divide the fraction and improper fraction as normal (invert the divisor and multiply) and simplify the result (including converting any improper fraction into a mixed number)
One less than eight hundred and eighty is 879. This is because when you subtract one from 880, you get 879. In numerical terms, this can be represented as 880 - 1 = 879.