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If the equal sign in a linear equation in two variables is replaced with an inequality symbol, the result is a linear inequality in two variables.



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Q: Define solution of a linear inequality in two variable?
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How many solution does a linear inequality in one variable have?

Inequalities tend to have infinitely many solutions.

The solutions to a linear inequality are the points in the plane that make the inequality true?

Yes, and no. The solution set to an inequality are those points which satisfy the inequality. A linear inequality is one in which no variable has a power greater than 1. Only if there are two variables will the solution be points in a plane; if there are more than two variables then the solution set will be points in a higher space, for example the solution set to the linear inequality x + y + z &lt; 1 is a set of points in three dimensional space.

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What is A mathematical sentence which contains an inequality symbol and one variable raised to the first power is called a?

It is a linear inequality.

How do you tell a linear inequality from a quadratic inequality?

In a linear inequality the variable is only present raised to the first power (which is usually not explicitly shown). In a quadratic the square of the variable is present (or implied). The square can be implied in an inequality such as x + 1/x &lt; 6 (x not 0) This is equivalent to x2 - 6x + 1 &lt; 0

Graph the solution set of the linear inequality 5x-2y4?

graph the inequality 5x+2y&lt;4

What is 5a minus 10 greater than 5?

It is a linear inequality in one variable, a.

Inequalities containing two inequality symbols are called what?

Linear inequalities in one variable

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How many solution sets do systems of linear inequalities have Must solutions to systems of linear inequalities satisfy both inequalities In what case might they not?

A solution to a linear inequality in two variables is an ordered pair (x, y) that makes the inequality a true statement. The solution set is the set of all solutions to the inequality. The solution set to an inequality in two variables is typically a region in the xy-plane, which means that there are infinitely many solutions. Sometimes a solution set must satisfy two inequalities in a system of linear inequalities in two variables. If it does not satisfy both inequalities then it is not a solution.

How does solving linear inequality differ from solving linear equation?

Linear inequalities are equations, but instead of an equal sign, it has either a greater than, greater than or equal to, less than, or a less than or equal to sign. Both can be graphed. Solving linear equations mainly differs from solving linear inequalities in the form of the solution. 1. Linear equation. For each linear equation in x, there is only one value of x (solution) that makes the equation true. The equation: x - 3 = 7 has one solution, that is x = 10. The equation: 3x + 4 = 13 has one solution that is x = 3. 2. Linear inequality. On the contrary, a linear inequality has an infinity of solutions, meaning there is an infinity of value of x that make the inequality true. All these x values constitute the "solution set" of the inequality. The answers of a linear inequality are expressed in the form of intervals. The linear inequality x + 5 &lt; 9 has as solution: x &lt; 4. The solution set of this inequality is the interval (-infinity, 4) The inequality 4x - 3 &gt; 5 has as solution x &gt; 2. The solution set is the interval (2, +infinity). The intervals can be open, closed, and half closed. The open interval (1, 4) ; the 2 endpoints 1 and 4 are not included in the solution set. The closed interval [-2, 5] ; the 2 end points -2 and 5 are included. The half-closed interval [3, +infinity) ; the end point 3 is included.