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No. Irrational Numbers are those that cannot be represented as a fractions. Any number which repeats could be represented as a fraction.

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Q: Do irrational numbers repeat
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Numbers that never end or repeat?

Irrational numbers.

Are repeating decimals rational?

Yes. Rational numbers are numbers or decimals that repeat or terminate. Irrational numbers do not. For example π is an irrational number.

What are numbers that cannot be written as a fraction numbers with decimals that do not end or repeat?

that is called an irrational number

What are numbers that are not rational?

They are not integers or whole numbers. Typically irrational numbers are unending and do not repeat beyond the decimal place.

What are special kinds of decimals?

There are irrational numbers (like PI and e) that have infinitely many decimals which do not repeat and rational numbers (the quotient of two integers) which do eventually repeat.

What is a number that never repeats or terminates?

Numbers that never repeat or terminate are called irrational numbers. Pi is one example.

Positive or negative decimals that are nonterminating and nonrepeating or have a pattern in their digits but do not repeat exactly are?

Irrational numbers.

Does a calculator display the exact values of all irrational numbers?

No. An irrational number is one that does not repeat or finish, and a calculator cannot display millions of digits like an irrational number would have.

Why is 8.3 a rational number?

It terminates. I believe that numbers that are non terminating are irrational. and numbers that can be made into a fraction, terminat, or repeat are rational.

Is. -1.23654 an irrational number?

No because it can be expressed as a fraction and so therefore it is a rational number

What is the definition of the math pie?

Mathamatical pi is an irrational number. It classifys as an irrational number because the numbers never repeat and pi is a never ending number.

What is the difference between the decimal expansion in irrational and rational numbers?

Decimals that terminate or repeat in some fashion are rational, while decimals that expand forever are irrational.