No. An irrational number is one that does not repeat or finish, and a calculator cannot display millions of digits like an irrational number would have.
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No. For example, 1/3 = 0.333333333...(repeats forever). The calculator can only display finitely many digits.
3 examples of irrational numbers are:pi, which is approximately 3.14e or exponential, which is approximately 2.72the square root of 2, which is approximately 1.41All values were given to three significant figures.
No.Try to created a table or a graph for the equation:y = 0 when x is rational,andy = 1 when x is irrational for 0 < x < 1.Remember, between any two rational numbers (no matter how close), there are infinitely many irrational numbers, and between any two irrational numbers (no matter how close), there are infinitely many rational numbers.
The value of the sum depends on the values of the rational number and the irrational number.
No. If it is possible to write it out, then it is rational. (For example, 0.1435897488972049876329487678694743896787917934706982770398847689189083709387987209870928763891787385173986517632871463287659670234857209872894775 may seem irrational, but it IS possible to write it out completely so it is rational.)the square root of 2, and Pi, are both irrational because their values go into infinity, with no pattern.1/7 may seem irrational because it goes off to infinity, but it IS rational, because its numbers repeat. (0.142857142857142815142857........)