true * * * * * No, false. Any two straight lines that intersect define a plane in which both those lines lie.
"... to the other two lines?". What other two lines? According to the question, there is only one line!
SOMETIMES. I just did that problem in my California geometry book. They can either be parallel or skew...making the answer sometimes.
Coplanar lines that do not intersect (have no common point) are parallel.Two objects are coplanar if they both lie in the same plane, they must either intersect or be parallel.
Not necessarily. Coplanar means that points lie on the same plane whereas collinear means that points lie on the same line. Points on a plane do not necessarily lie along the same line.
skew lines
skew lines
Skew lines.
If they are straight lines, then they define a plane in which both lines lie.
Parallel lines would always lie in the same plane. They would need to be skew lines.
If there are no common points but both lines lie n the same plane they are considered "coplanar points"
They are lines or points that lie on the same plane. Remember 3 or more points are collinear if they lie on the same line. IF those lines lie on the same plane they are coplanar.
They're either parallel lines or skew lines.
true * * * * * No, false. Any two straight lines that intersect define a plane in which both those lines lie.
Think you just answered your own question. A plane is a line. Two planes= two lines.