

Best Answer

To do WELL in Algebra 2, you will need to remember part of Algebra 1. However, your teacher should go over part of Algebra 1. I did poorly in Algebra 1, though Algebra 2 now makes sense to me simply because I needed to understand it to understand Algebra 2, and I was able to infer the things that I was unsure of.

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Q: Do you have to remember algebra 1 to do good in algebra 2?
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Algebra 2 is harder and more complicated than Algebra 1. It also introduces more variables and harder equations.

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I think you mean Algebra 1 & 2 If you did, Algebra 1 is the basic stuff. Algebra 2, you get more complex, but it's still a basic idea.

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It depends on your school, but it is usually Algebra 1, Algebra 2, then Geometry.

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it goes algebra 1, geometry, then algebra 2

What grade does Algebra 2?

If you are intelligient and passed your algebra test in sixth grade,in seventh you will have Algebra 1 .If you pass Algebra 1 in seventh grade there is a possibility that you will get Algebra 2.Depends on what your teacher thinks about your behavior or citizenship.

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you don't go from algebra to calculus and linear algebra. you go from algebra to geometry to advanced algebra with trig to pre calculus to calculus 1 to calculus 2 to calculus 3 to linear algebra. so since you got an A+ in algebra, I think you are good.

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It depends on your school, but it is usually Algebra 1, Algebra 2, then Geometry.

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Which course is better pre-algebra 1 or pre-algebra 2?

It depends on how far you are on Pre-algebra. If you don't know anything, I recommend you take Pre-algebra 1. If you are advanced in Pre-algebra and you know variables and expressions then I recommend you take Pre-algebra 2

What is important of geometry?

Geometry is like a block from Algebra 1 to Algebra 2 and it contributes by teaching you the basics of the things you will learn in Algebra 2.

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find the perimeter of 1 1/3 meters and 2 7/8 meters