

Does the number line end

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Does the number line end
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Can you show me a number line?

A number line is where a line is drawn with one number starting on one end and another ending it. The number on the furthest right or bottom end is the lower number and the number on the furthest left or top is the highest number.

There is no end to a number line it is?


Does the number line ever end?

It is infinite

How do you represent root 3 on the number line?

I assume you mean the square Root of 3. You can't show it exactly as root 3 is an irrational number. BUT, you can show it approximately. Root 3 = 1.732... So put a mark between 1 and 2 on the number line at about 1.7.

Which extends infinitely in opposite directions?

A straight line with no end points such as the number line

What is true about a number line?

A number line extends infinitely in both directions, proven with two small arrows on either end It is numbers... in a line!!!! :)

Three or more points on a line?

well, a line consists of an infinite number of points the three important points on a line are start (the origin of the line) end (the end of the line) midpoint (halfway across the line)

Why do number lines begin with least number and end with the greatest?

If you start with a small number like -14 and end with 98, you can show that the numbers on the number line continue and don't come randomly. Also, it is understood better than a non-sequenced line.

How do you graph x is greater than negative four?

We assume you are graphing on a number line, not an x-y plane. Draw an "open" circle (not filled in) at -4, and a line from it across to the right end of the number line. Put an arrow on the end of the line to show that the graph continues to the right.

Does the number line have a beginning?

No. However, it does have to have a beginning number. beside the beginning number, on the actual line, you would put an arrow on the end of it, because numbers are infinite in both directions.

Does there have to be a zero on a number line?

No, not necessarily. A number line can start and end wherever you need it. But if you are including both positive and negative numbers, then there needs to be a position for zero.

What is the maximum number of different rays that can be formed on a line?

Infinitely many. There an infinite number of points on a line and each point can be an end point of two rays.