

Does the number line ever end?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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12y ago

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It is infinite

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Q: Does the number line ever end?
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Does the number line end?


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never it can go on for ever

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I assume you mean the square Root of 3. You can't show it exactly as root 3 is an irrational number. BUT, you can show it approximately. Root 3 = 1.732... So put a mark between 1 and 2 on the number line at about 1.7.

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A line segment ends, because it is a line with two dots on the end to stop it. It is just a regular line that does not end. There could also be a ray, which is a line with only one side stopped with a point and the other going on forever. you said it ends and then you said it doesn't end

Which extends infinitely in opposite directions?

A straight line with no end points such as the number line

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A number line extends infinitely in both directions, proven with two small arrows on either end It is numbers... in a line!!!! :)

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well, a line consists of an infinite number of points the three important points on a line are start (the origin of the line) end (the end of the line) midpoint (halfway across the line)

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Draw a horizontal line one unit long from the origin.Thenat the end this line line draw a perpendicular line with a length of 1 unit.join the end of this line to the origin.Go back to previous step and continue for ever.