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45 degrees with respect to what?

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Q: Each Y value equals the corresponding X value on a 45 degree line?
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The relationship between Kelvin and Celsius scale is K=C+273. 15. Where K is Kelvin temperature and C is Celsius temperature. Each degree on the Kelvin scale equals the same degree in Celsius scale differing only in the zero value. The freezing point of water and absolute zero are the zero values of Celsius and Kelvin scale respectively.

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Not necessarily.

What is a function in mathematical?

A function is a relationship between x and y-values in which each x value has one and only one corresponding y value (note that y-values are allowed to have more than one corresponding x-value).

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Only if each element of one has the same value as the corresponding element in the other.

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Select a set of values for x. For each value of x calculate the corresponding value of y using the function x2 - 4x - 4. Plot these points and join together with as smooth a curve as you can manage.

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Two random samples are dependent if each data value in one sample can be paired with a corresponding data value in the other sample.

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Please note that in general, if you have ONE equation with TWO or more variables, there is not a unique solution. You can assign an arbitrary value for "a", replace it, then calculate what would be the corresponding value of "b". Or, probably even better, you can solve for "b" in terms of "a". Then you can assign any value to "a", and calculate the corresponding value for "b". To actually solve for "b", first solve for b2 in the usual way, that is, manipulate the equation until b2 is on the left, everything else on the right. Then take the square root on each side.

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Two random samples are dependent if each data value in one sample can be paired with a corresponding data value in the other sample.

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It's a first-degree equation in one unknown.The unknown is 'n', and its value can be found like this:11n = 1Divide each side by 11:n = 1/11