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Q: Give an example of a rational number?
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Can you Give me an example of a rational number?


Can you add an irrational number and a rational number to give an irrational?

No, but you can add an irrational number and a rational number to give an irrational.For example, 1 + pi is irrational.

Are the square roots of all positive integers irrational If not give an example of the square root of a number that is a rational number?

The square root of any positive square number is always rational as for example the square root of 36 is 6 which is a rational number.

An example of a rational number?

Zero (0) is a rational number.

Can you give an example of an integer that is not rational why or why not?

No, all integers are rational, whole numbers.

Give you a rational number that is a natural number?

All natural numbers are rational numbers.

Give an example of a rational number that is not an integer?

Every number that you can write with digits, and a decimal point or fraction bar if you need it, is a rational number. Very few of them are integers. Examples: 1/2 0.792461828459046 343/1928

Is it when you have a terminated fraction its a rational number?

That is one example of rational numbers.

What is rational and irrational number give example?

All integers and fractions are rational numbers whereas irrational numbers can't be expressed as fractions as for example the square root of 2 can't be expressed as a fraction because it is a non-terminating decimal number.

Can you please give me an example of an irrational number and a rational number?

An irrational number cannot be written as a fraction or to an exact decimal such as the symbol for pi or the square root of two. A rational number can be written in the form of a fraction or a decimal to an exact value.

Is 4.121314 is a rational?

No, a rational number must be a whole number, for example 40 and 5643 and 948.

What is an example of a number that is a rational number but Not a whole number?

One example is 13/17.