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x = 2 sqrt(2) cos(3PI/4)

y = 2 sqrt(2) sin(3PI/4)

cos(3PI/4) = -1/sqrt(2)

sin(3PI/4) = 1/sqrt(2)

Therefore, the Cartesian coordinates are:

x= -2 sqrt(2) / sqrt(2) = -1

y = 2 sqrt(2) / sqrt(2) = 1

(-1,1) is the corresponding Cartesian coordinate.

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Q: Given the polar coordinate 2 square root of 2 and 3 pi over 4 what is the equivalent Cartesian coordinate?
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That is a weird question, given that Cartesian has such a specialized meaning, which is, relating to the French mathematician Rene Descartes. If you are talking about the Cartesian coordinate system, which is the familiar graph based on an x and y axis, you could call it an x and y graph, I suppose. That is not exactly the same as Cartesian but it would apply to that particular context.

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Descartes created the Cartesian coordinates and the Cartesian curves and has often been given credit for analytical geometry. he was a mathmatician

What is the Definition of Cartesian coordinate system?

A system for identifying points on a plane or in space by their coordinates is called a Cartesian coordinate system.In a plane (2-dimensional), the Cartesian coordinate system is determined by the two perpendicular directed lines Ox as x-axis, and Oy as y-axis (where the point of intersection O is the origin) and the given unit length.For any point P in the plane, let M and Nbe points on the x-axis and y-axis such that PM is parallel to y-axis and PN is parallel to x-axis. If OM = x and ON = y, then (x, y) are the coordinates of the point P in this Cartesian coordinate system.Normally, Ox and Oy are chosen so that an an anticlockwise rotation of one right angle takes the positive x-direction to the positive y-direction.In 3-dimensional space, the Cartesian coordinate system is determined by the three mutually perpendicular directed lines Ox as x-axis, and Oy as y-axis,and OZ as z-axis (where the point of intersection O is the origin).For any point P in a space, let L be the point where the plane through P, parallel to the plane containing the y-axis and z-axis, meets the x-axis. Alternatively, L is the point on the x-axis such that PL is perpendicular to the x-axis. Let M and N be points on the y-axis and z-axis. The points L, M, and N are in fact three of vertixes of the cuboid with three of its edges along the coordinate axes and with O and P as opposite vertixes. If OL = x and OM = y, and ON = z, then (x, y, z) are the coordinates of the point P in this Cartesian coordinate system.

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